And when will ImageDisk support additional FDCs (even
at different IRQs
and DMAs)? Without that support, I can't use it for my 8" and 5,25" 48tpi
DD drive. I have a total of 4 FDDs on my machine (and perhaps more to
come), and two FDCs (primary and secondary for now).
Yeah ... this is a big problem...
"I really wish I could get my classic system up and running. I've spend three
years and hundreds of dollars on restoring it, and it's ready to go. Hours with
the soldering iron, digging up technical details and lengthy hardware debugging
sessions and if's finally ready! - but I can't find a boot disk. There is this
ImageDisk thing, but I can't get it to work on my non-standard setup. As far as
I can tell, I would have to temporarily move a drive cable and rejumper a drive
in order to make the image into a bootable disk.
What a bummer to have come so far and be completely stopped by an inconsiderate
author who gave us such crappy free software and didn't even care enough to
spend more of his money and time in recreating my non-standard setup and
maintaining the software to work on it. Oh I wish I could somehow make a boot
disk without having to move that cable and jumper - So many years of work have
been spent and it looks like I'll never see that system run."
Or is there a reason why your 8" and 5.25" 48TPI disks can't be run at the
standard PC drive A: and B: positions?
And why doesn't ImageDisk support 4 FDDs on a
single FDC? I have some
boards that handle four drives with one FDC by providing two 34 pin
headers that each connect to two drives.
Because 4 FDDs on one controller is not a standard PC configuration. Does
your controller use the internal drive select register of the 765? Does it have
an external hardware register like the 2-drive select register of the PC, and if
so what is the layout and will it be the same on different 4-drive controllers.
Why does your controller have two connectors (there are four drive selects
already on the cable).
The primary reason ImageDisk doesn't support this, and dual controllers is
because I don't have this setup and would be unable to test it. You are the
first to ask for dual controllers (ok, you didn't really ask) - I don't think
is all that common a setup, and most people will find it easier to just hook
up the required drive long enough to make the images that you need. (I
provide details on my site on how to set up a nice external drive cable).
There are still too many restrictions to ImageDisk.
I do apologize for burdening you with this. However the image file format
is documented, and you are free to write your own compatible program (or
do like Tony suggests and hold me responsible for your "having" to create
yet another image file format).
But I honour your effort in making a universal disk
archiving tool. Hope
it will some day incorporate the above mentioned subjects. On the other
hand, if the source were available...
I would spend many hours helping people understand it, explaining why
it doesn't compile with their favorite compiler or be easily made to run on
their favorite system, and helping them implement features I decided not
to implement in the first place. Then I would get lots of feedback about what
I had done wrong and see posting about how "better" versions are now
being maintained at site xxx. And if it goes like some of my earlier projects
to which I released source code, I will eventually find other and even
commercial tools which are based on my code (This happened in at least
two cases with the C compiler).
I used to release source code to nearly all of my stuff, but not any more.
I just don't need the hassles.
I have no commercial goals for Imagedisk, and I will be happy to give out
the source code under NDA, however I am not yet ready to make it generally
dave04a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: