Bravo manual, page 33, "Bravo is controlled partly from the keyboard and
partly from the mouse, the small white object with three black buttons which
sits to the right of the keyboard".
Also: "The three buttons on the mouse are called RED (the top or left-most
one, depending on what kind of mouse you have), YELLOW (the middle one) and
BLUE (the bottom or right-most one)."
This implies that there were at least two mouse designs, one with three
buttons from left to right, and one with three buttons from top to bottom.
They both used a ball (not wheels).
-----Original Message-----
From: Innfogra(a) []
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 1999 2:50 AM
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Subject: Alto Mouse in "Pirates"
In "Pirates" a mouse was handed about, supposedly from the Alto. Was it an
Alto mouse? Was the Alto mouse a three button? Who made it?
I know the star 8010 Dandelion and 6085 Daybreak mice were two button mice
I have had several.
Anyway I have a mouse that looks like the one in the movie and it is
it came from an Alto. I would like to identify it for sure.