On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 4:04 PM, Jim Battle
<frustum at pacbell.net> wrote:
My hand wave on the item, not having seen it, but
having a picture of one in
a brochure. 4" wide, 2.5" deep, 3.5" high, 100 lbs or so. It turns out
lbs is a price boundary, but up to 200 lbs is only about $50 more.
Having seen this machine, I'd say your dimensions are about right (in
feet, of course ;) but the weight was at least double that, if not
triple. It's basically a desk with a lot of boards and a tape drive
inside, and a Selectric 1 on it.
Oof, an unintended spinal tap moment. Indeed, 4' x 2.5' x 3.5' is what
I meant.
Thanks for the clarification.