On Mon, 3 Feb 2014, Chuck Guzis wrote:
On 02/03/2014 06:20 PM, Jules Richardson wrote:
It does seem to be dead. Wayback seem to have
done a good job of
archiving the pages, but I suspect that doesn't extend to the actual
downloads. Even things such as login/register are dead on the live
site, suggesting that something major has happened (i.e. they're not
just trying to mask downloads from non-registered users).
Okay, there's a mirror here:
Someone evidently thought to mirror the Vetusware content. Someone please
copy the above site and archive it. My net interface is only 1Mbps and it
would probably take forever for me to do.
Thanks for the link Chuck. I'll see if I can get that added to the
retroarchive.org site.
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