-----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- From: Johnny
Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015 6:25 PM
To: cctalk at
Subject: Re: ZORK I for PDP-11 -- was: Z-machines for PDP-11 (was Re:
RT11 / RSTS-E games)
On 2015-05-08 17:33, Henk Gooijen wrote:
I have 2 games from Infocom, but they are for the
Planetfall and Leather Goddesses of Phobos (or something like that).
However, I never saw the original ZORK for PDP-11 from Infocom ...
Does somebody on the list have a copy and willing to share?
Do you want it with the original Z-machine implementation? Otherwise
just grab ZEMU and the Zork I binary, and start playing. Zork I, II and
III were made available for free downloading from Activision at one
point, so I have no qualms about sharing those files if anyone wants them.
Hi Johnny,
I was merely curious. I have ZEMU (of course), and way back I did
the "proof-reading" of the documentation for you. I hope to have a few
PDP-11 systems up and running soon, and then the question arises
"what to do". ZEMU and play files is probably #1 :-)
Sorry. I have a short memory. :-)
Back to my question ... I have heard (read) several
times that Infocom
released ZORK for PDP-11, but never read "I have that".
Is that software also lost forever?
I think this is exactly what Ethan Dicks said... :-)
(Ie. he do have it.)