Ethan Dicks wrote:
As has been discussed here, though, they have
long-term reliability
issues, but they are still widely available. BG Micro stocks them
as well as 2102s, IIRC.
I know - they're very static sensitive - and extremely power hungry!
when they go, they get even hotter ;)
If I can find a quantity of 44-pin .156" proto
hardware at Dayton
this year, I'm considering wrapping my own. I need a supply of
WW wire, too... I'm down to two spools. I need some 44-pin cards
anyway for Commodore and Cosmac VIP projects.
Radio Shaft used to carry these -
they were my fave proto boards
as a teenager - being my last resort for parts, but the only source
for people living in small cities, Radio Scrap hardly carries anything
useful to the hobbyist. They do carry a not half bad wire wrap tool
but their ww wire was prohibitively expensive. I picked up a couple
of 1000ft rolls of flourescent orange and red from the local surplus place-
so I've set for a while. I've seen deals on teflon, but it's too hard to
I'd love to get one of those professional ww guns though - make life alot
easier for my half dozen ww projects currently in progress...