On Mar 31 2005, 12:01, David H. Barr wrote:
On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 19:47:04 +0200, Stefan
<birs23 at zeelandnet.nl>
> This is probably gonna be a really easy
question for you guys; is
terminator ?
Err, wasn't thicknet (DIX) the one with DB-15 / AUI transcievers,
vampire clamps, and so forth?
To be picky, DIX != thick Ethernet, or more exactly DIX != 10base5.
10base5 uses thick coax but it works slightly differently to DIX.
Yes, they use AUI cables and transceivers with a DA15 connector with
that horrible slidelock, and they use vampire clamps on some of the
taps (last time I fitted one was for a demo two weeks ago), but the
"Ethernet" cable is the thick coax, with N connectors.
PS: That connector looks odd to me. My coax net
has BNC T's on it
a reflector on the end. Maybe we're not
talking about the same
You mean a terminator. And the BNCs are thinnet, aka cheapernet,
10base2. Same speed as 10base5, but shorter (185m per segment instead
of 500m), and with fewer allowed active connections per segment, and
different rules about spacing the taps, which are BNC T-pieces.
If Stefan's N connector has a 50-ohm resistor in it, it's a 10base5
Honestly, it does looks like one brand of 10Base5 terminate we used.
[Humor] I got stopped by a cop the other day. He said, "Why'd you run
that stop sign?" I said, "Because I don't believe everything I read."
--Steven Wright
--... ...-- -.. . -. ----. --.- --.- -...
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