I dug up a few more 1984 catalogs, and would like to find out about some stuff
in them (I think I have a destination for the catalogs themselves, so don't
ask me about buying them)
One is a Misco 1985 catalog, which is just general office stuff. Not much in
The other is an Advanced Computer Products (19)84/85. This one has some
computers that I have never seen before. If anyone has a clue about them...
*A $500 NEC PC-8200, a very small 16K thing
*A $1400 Sanyo MBC 1150 Z-80 based thing
*An Epson PX-8 portable for $995
*A macintosh ad saying that it is a 32-bit computer. What gives?
*A Sanyo 25" color monitor for $719
*$45 parallel cables
*Rockwell International AIM65, looks more like a huge desktop calculator