On Mon, 2005-07-11 at 23:15 +0100, Tony Duell wrote:
Early machines
from the 'workstation wars', Apollo and Tektronix come to
mind, may be of interest in the future. There doesn't appear to be much
Along, I suspect, with the even less-knwon workstations from Xerox
(D-machines), 3 rivers/PERQ systems, Torch (XXX, quad-X), etc.
Plus Whitechapel of course, and the aforementioned 3B2, and NeXT. I
suppose the Acorn R140/R260 count too.
Everyone seems to remember Sun and SGI (although I do think SGI machines
have a bit of style to them!) but I bet there are a *lot* of forgotten
machines in the workstation class from the 1980's / early 90's.
Actually, are we only counting machines that ran Unix-a-like systems, or
anything in the workstation class? (i.e. does PERQ qualify? :-)