In a message Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical
Historian wrote:
Could you give an example where we may have seen a QIC36 or QIC02 tape? It
doesn't ring a bell here.
The tapes are DC300, DC450, DC600, DC6150, DC6250, DC6350 etc.
They've been used in everything from Sun and other Unix workstations
through PDP's to early PC/XT's.
Common manufacturers were Archive, Techmar, Tandberg.
QIC-36 and QIC-02 were the interface standards for the
drives. QIC-36 and QIC-02 drives often could interchange tapes.
The difference was the amount of smarts in the controller vs. the
tape drive (I seem to remember).
Aha! Now I can connect QIC36/QIC02.... My HP 250 uses DC600 type tape carts.
Thanks Bill,
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA
Member of Antique Wireless Association