Having learned assembly language programming on the
simple architecture and instruction set of the 6800, the Byte magazine
article linked to below that I read when it was originally published
really impressed me. In the 6809 they made one of the earliest efforts
I know of to really tweak an already great uP instruction set based upon
an analysis of existing software:
I found the 6809 to be by far the nicest 8-bit CPU I ever worked with.
The instruction set was simple and very orthogonal, the fact that you had
various relative addressing modes meant you could write truely
position-independant code, there were 2 stack points, and so on. Unlike
certain chips I could name, there were no major misfeatures that I came
Of course the problem (as we all know) is that it came out too late. By
that tine everybody was using the Z80 or 6502. Oh well.
It always suprised me that hre BBC micro used the 6502 rather than the
6809. By the time the Beeb was designed, Acorn had made a 6809 processor
board for their System machines, so they must have had experience with
the chip. THe Beeb is nice, but a Beeb with a 6809 processor would have
been something else :-)