On 1 Nov 2010 at 17:53, Steven Hirsch wrote:
I don't know what 'DDO' is, unfortunately.
Dynamic Drive Overlay. A way of dealing with drives larger than
supported by the BIOS. Basically, enhanced BIOS support for the
drive was written as a boot record on the first track, which would
then be "hidden" to normal applications. SpeedStor was one such
package; there were others, such as Ontrack Disk Manager.
However, the easiest way was to use a controller with its own BIOS.
CMS, WD and SMS made them. Note that there is nothing in the MFM
controller itself that prevents accessing cylinders past 1023.
I've offered you a driver for cylinders 1024-1223 that I used on a
big Priam hard drive with 16 heads if you'd just like to see if your
drive works.