ons 2007-11-21 klockan 12:00 -0600 skrev "John A.
Dundas III"
<dundas at caltech.edu>:
I can speak for RSTS with some authority, RSX with somewhat less
At 9:17 PM -0500 11/20/07, Jerome H. Fine wrote:
I doubt that RSX-11 or RSTS/E allow a user access
to the IOPAGE
even via PREVIOUS DATA space. Can anyone confirm this assumption?
Address space in the I/O page for RSTS jobs (processes) was not
directly available. The APRs are always controlled by the OS. It
MIGHT be possible for a privileged job to use PEEK/POKE SYS calls to
access the I/O page in the way you suggest but it would be
particularly difficult.
I thought RSTS/E had some way of remapping the address space as well.
Can't you remap parts of your memory to some shared region, for example?
Yes, shared regions (libraries and others) are supported. However as a
general purpose timesharing system, RSTS insisted on direct access of the
I/O page only by the kernel.
So while it _might_ be possible to peek/poke a device CSR from user space
(I never had occasion to try but could imagine a few possible approaches),
it would not be possible to set up, e.g., an interrupt vector in user