at. Give it some time and the rare vintage computers
will be in the same
boat as the rest of the hobby market (an investment). There have been
articles in the Wall Street Journal about the vintage computer hobby. Its
better looked after when the person dies, so its not
all bad. I just have a
bad feeling when a hobby turns into an investment, and people show up just
to make money.
Those two reasons are why I am proud of the my Kenbak kit
project. I've been able to put out so far 12 to people are using
them and experimenting. Geoff has written two funny little Cylon
light programs and a fellow from the Netherlands wrote a program to
calculate E.
So far I have 6 confirmed fully operational units built. Most people
haven't have time to play yet. : (
When Kenbaks are selling for $10,000 on ebay, I kind of get the idea
that they aren't going to be touched. : )
I personally know of three vintage Kenbak's in private hands. Erik's
doesn't work, but out of ALL the collectors he is probably the
bravest. ; ) Without his help and detailed measurements it would
not have been as accurate.