The plated wire sounds like really fussy stuff. The layer of permalloy had to be thin but
not to thin. I suspect that was to optimize the internal field compared to the outside
word select signal.
At first, I couldn't understand why they'd need to use beryllium copper but it
seems the wires needed to be free standing in the array. Pure copper would sage and
Clearly an interesting process. If it had not been for solid state, I suspect it would
have been refined to a more manufacturable process. I suspect tuning the layer thickness
could have been done while in the plating bath instead of waiting until it was outside.
Because of the size of things, I suspect it could have been done by vapor deposit on glass
substrates and miniaturized. It depended on the fact that the field had a preferred
direction and couldn't be easily rotated. Such things can be done on a flat surface
with current day processing.
From: cctalk <cctalk-bounces at> on behalf of Chuck Guzis via cctalk
<cctalk at>
Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2019 2:23 PM
To: dwight via cctalk <cctalk at>
Subject: Re: plated wire memory
On 10/20/19 1:50 PM, dwight via cctalk wrote:
It is funny that the most common memory used today is
a DRO type memory. The read destroys much of the charge on a DRAM cell, requiring a write
back of the data.
That's true today, but probably not in the near future. Persistent
memory is getting faster and cheaper.