I'm currently perusing _Computer Programming and Architecture: The VAX-11_
by Levy and Eckhouse and I come across the description of the CALLG and
CALLS instructions. They go on to describe the stack frame created by the
CALL* instruction:
Condition handler (initially 0) <- FP
SPA | S | 0 | MASK | PSW | 0 FP + 4
Saved AP etc ...
Saved FP
Saved PC
Saved R0
Saved R11
My question is about the condition handler. In the text, it's described
A longword condition handler address. Here, the calling routine
may store the address of an error-handling routine to be called if
an exceptional error condition arises in the procedure.
This is the only section (as far as I can tell) where this is described,
and I'm curious as to how exactly it worked. It appears that while the CPU
may set this location to 0, its purpose isn't really dictated by the
hardware, but it a convention used by VMS. But then (as I was typing this),
I was struct by this bit:
... the calling routine may store ...
Huh? How? The calling routine either does a:
argsize: .long 0
arg1: .long 0
arg2: .long 0
arg3: .long 0
arg4: .long 0
movl #4,argsize ; use fixed memory
movl filehandle,arg1 ; for the arguments
moval somememory,arg2
movl #0,arg3
movl #4096,arg4
callg argsize,dump_memory
pushl #4096 ; use the stack
pushl #0 ; for the arguments
pushal somememory
pushl filehandle
calls #4,dump_memory
(forgive if my assembly isn't quite right, I'm going from the book rather
quickly here). How can the calling code set the condition handler? The CPU
creates the stack frame (as diagrammed above), not the calling routine. Am
I missing something?
-spc (Really curious about this ... )