Richard wrote:
OK, back on this subject again...
Suppose the drives were from the Lilith/Eve workstations. Would the
unix trick of using dd still work?
Early Liliths use a 10MB Cartridge drive from Honeywell/Bull ( Mididisk
D120) I did not find any info on this drive, The chap that wrote Medos
also has no info any more, the drive interface is totally unknown, the
drive itself contains a big PCB with around 200 TTL, with housenumbers
instead of the normal 74xxx. It is THE showstopper in bringing my Lilith
back to live. 'dd' does not stand a chance....
Later Liliths use an ST506 type drive. This might be slightly easier.
I believe the Eve uses early SCSI drives, you should be able to tell by
listing the exact type of the drives in your machines.
Jos Dreesen