....find out
exactly what you have in order to start thinking
about writing software is reasonably non-trivial.
That's why we have disassemblers, no?
Having reverse engineered the ROMs in a couple of old 6502 based Atari video
games a few years back, it's not something I'd consider doing again in a
hurry (and I had circuit diagrams to work from).
Even with a good disassembler, it's a hell of a lot more involved than you'd
Probably so--but then I said that I was lazy. ;-) Even
in the
"assemble it from chips" case, I'd rather use a Z180/Z280/64180/EZ80.
Designing a system from scratch would be *FAR* easier!
CF IDE is easy--it's 8 bit. HD IDE uses a 16-bit
data path for
sector data transfer....
The original IDE drives used 8-bit transfers (I had one in my first XT),
even to this day there is still be a signal on the IDE interface to force
the use of 8-bit mode.
At least one of the IDE interfaces available for 8-bit Atari machines uses
the drive in this mode.
TTFN - Pete.