On 2/17/2013 8:01 PM, Chris Tofu wrote:
I wish I could
get that NCR tower running. If anyone has any technical
information on Series 3400 boxes I'd love to know. I need wiring
diagrams and schematics for the power supply. It is a model 2113 that
seems fine but, just doesn't turn on.
Perhaps it's just a solder crack.
If you dismantle it enough to get at the pcb's bottom you could touch each blob with a
soldering gun. I have fixed at least 1 unit that way (it worked after I did anyway).
On the backplane ? Every bit of circuit board and cable will have to
come out to remove that bit without a cutting torch. Everything is
blocked by welded steel in these monsters. I am willing to give it a
shot if it worked for you though. It does seem like a connection issue
but, what I have rung out so far seems ok.