I saw something on someone's web site the other
day claiming that the
Tektronix 4027 was the first commercially available color raster
graphics terminal. The 4027 first appears in the 1979 Tektronix
I know there were vector based systems that were displaying color
before that, but the question here is about raster based systems (i.e.
pixel, not vector based).
So the question becomes: was anyone else selling a raster color
graphics terminal before Tektronix in 1979?
I think ISC had one--the Compucolor PC was 1977. I'm sure there were
It's not really a terminal though, more like a home PC.
I am pretty sure the dates on soem of the schematics for my I2S image
processor/display systems is 1979, but again those are not really
terminals, they are peripherals for minicomputers that connect to the
processor bus/ They are raster, they do suppot a colour monitor.
When did Sigma Graphics make their first colour terminal? I would guess
it was one of the early ones.
What about a prestel set? I remember hearign about Prestel in 1977,
althohgh I doubt terminals were commonly available at that point. Prestel
terminals were colour, but only supportyed block graphics (6 pixels per
character cell), so you might not class them as graphics terminals.