IBM 7374 plotter. Missing the damned carousel. Haven't plugged it in yet, so not even
sure it's functional. Something tells me, being it's an IBM, spare circuit parts,
as needed, will be the least of my worries.
If anyone has a junker and would let me scrounge a few items from it, I'll remember
them in my prayers. Promise :). Besides pay reasonable costs + shipping.
Jameco eprom/gal/pal/?/?/?. 6502 based (primarily at least). Non-functional. BUT OF
COURSE. I'm not terribly worried, being I've also obtained -
Tektronix 5440 scope. Already have a 2216. So the combined might of these 2 monsters of
engineering will undoubtedly aid in the recuperation of the previous item. There were more
then a few chips w/stickers on top, so that tells me they're likely custom logic, so
I'll need some of that epoxy dissolver in additon. Or a die-grinder and a steady hand.
I happen to have a probe I picked up from somewhere in my garbage garage. The inputs on
these 2 scopes require 1Mohm wit either 22pF or 47 pF of capacitance. What does this mean?
There's simply a capacitor between the coax? The resistance part is strait forward
presumably. If that's the case, then you can just jury rig an acceptable probe, no?
Also picked up a big huge square HP monitor. Don't know the part # offhand, but has a
datecode of 1984. First time I've seen one of these. And I've seen a lot of
monitors. I'm sure I'm hoping in vain that it takes digital rgb.
I also need help w/G4 Macs and Sun workstations and servers. But that's offtopic and
I can look up most of that online. Just in case anyone wanted to chat about it. Offlist of
Anyone w/any HP-UX stuff they no longer need?