I have been
known to pronouch 'CRT' as 'Crut'.
But oddly, I almost never pronouce LED as 'led'. It's always 'Ell Eee
Dee' (or 'Lima Echo Delta' if I am being more silly than normal :-))
"Ristiss", "See Are Tee", and "Ell Eee Dee" for me.
Oh, it's normally 'C - R - T' (3 separate letter names) round here too.
But 'Crut' is one way to pronounce it. I don't normally do that, but...
Analogure to Digital Converter(ADC) is always 'Aye Dee Cee', but digital to
analogue converter (DAC) is pronounced as a word -- 'Dack'.
Other ones (at least as I pronounce them)...
DACK (Data Acknowledge/DMA Acknowledge) is normally pronounced as a word..
DTACK (Data Transfer Acknoledge -- 6800 bus signal) is 'Dee-Tack'
The column address signal CAS/ on a DRAM is always 'CAS-bar' :-)
Serial input and Serial out are pronounced as words -- Sin and Sout.
Doubtles I will think of many more...