On 8/13/10 5:51 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:
> >> DEC's terminal business was a shell
of its former self back when the
> >> VT420 was introduced, so it may be true.
> > Maybe I'm thinking of the 240 instead? Does the 420 do graphics?
AFAIK the VT420 supports Sixel, but not ReGIS.
No. The last graphic terminal was the VT340.
The VT420 don't support any graphics, unless you count the user defined
font as graphics.
Graphics implies either SIXEL, ReGIS or both. Actually, I've never seen
any terminal that supports sixel but not ReGIS, however, several
printers is of that inclination.
(Although I'm sure someone will now recall some terminal that do sixel
but not ReGIS just because I wrote the above... :-) ).
I've never *used* Sixel graphics on a VT420, but the manual clearly
states that it supports the Sixel format.
(flip flip)
Ok, I just went back and re-read it. It "supports Sixel format" as a
way to encode user-definable character sets. So you're right I suppose,
it ALMOST supports Sixel graphics! ;)
Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL