I've successfully "retrobrited" old TV safety screens and a few NES
console. What I used was 12% hydrogen peroxide from the beauty supply shop,
along with sodium percarbonate, glycerin to keep it wet and xanthan gum to
stabilize it to a paint on gel. Then all you do is paint it on, cover it
with Saran Wrap and put it out in the sun.
One of the TVs I did, I still have it and the yellow didn't return. I don't
know about the NESs because I flip them
Fun chemistry!
On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 1:23 AM, Chuck Guzis <cclist at sydex.com> wrote:
On 08/23/2015 09:53 PM, Ali wrote:
I can tell you from personal experience that repainting does not work
well. One, matching the color is nearly
impossible. You can get
pretty darn close but not exact. Two, the paint quality is never as
good. Three, the feel is different - this one is hard to explain: it
just doesn't feel smooth and slick but rough and scratchy. I have
tried different brands of paint, gloss, non-gloss, sealant, etc to no
avail. I can make it look good especially from a few feet away but in
practice you can easily tell it has been painted.
Just my two cents.
Hi Ali,
If you're talking about rattle-can painting, I can believe that.
But there's painting using professional spray gear, as well as
powder-coating. Rattle-can was never intended as anything but an "any
idiot can do it" proposition.
If that weren't the case, we'd all be painting our cars using a spray can.
Regardless, if I read the conservation lists correctly, plastic is
eventually doomed. No one seems to know how to stabilize it.
I recall an Apple color monitor that sat on a table and, without being
powered on or otherwise disturbed, would shed a bit of itself every now and
Just my own .02,