There is NOT much demand for this stuff. If you'd like to see what else
has yet to be claimed, try the NOT quite current list at:
Free Pickup In Berkeley (now sometimes in El Cerrito).
Otherwise postage ROUNDED UP - I'm out $300 so far, with $300 received.
I'm even having to BUY boxes! I'm not trying to make a profit, but, if
I don't break even, is there a reason to continue doing this [heavy] WORK?
So, even when rounding up, please consider the $3.50 PLUS TAX! that local
boxes sell for.
Fortunately, a very few people have been generous enough to make up for
when other people have not rounded up enough to cover their boxes.
If multiple people want something, I WILL NOT even try to "be fair".
I will select the recipient based on what is most convenient to me,
participation on this list, whoever will give me the most money, etc.
Publisher Edition Year ISBN-10 pages Binding Condition notes
(Note: "Perfect" is the industry term for paperback binding, NOT a
statement of condition, "shelf" means some shelf wear
"box number"s are for my convenience in finding stuff. They are NOT an
indication that you need to take the whole boxful of crap^H^H^H^Hgoodies.
Unless you want to.
Box A23
Quick Reference Guide To The HP3852A Data Acquisition And Control Unit
HP 1986 165 Wire-O VG Tiny p[ocket sized
S286 Installation & H/W Reference
1986 Binder,slipcase With .setup for
Samsung AT. disk
+ 386 Genie II User's Manual
looseleaf VG With .Genie II Utilities. disk
+ ATI .VGA 640. disk
Sidekick For Windows V2.0
Borland 2.0 retail package VG Opened,
but seems complete, 3.5. disk
Internet Sidekick
Starfish retail package
Opened, but seems complete, CD-ROM
Empty binder, half sized, labelled .Ernst&Ernst Belgium.
Empty binder, half sized, Osborne User's Guide
The Computer Image
Addison Wesley 1982 0-201-06192-9 126 Hardcover with
dust jacket VG Coffe table book
FD-35F Micro Flexible Disk Drive Specification
131 stapled G single sided pages, xerox?
[Source for] .Telcon FORMAT.Z80,
Abacus (early calculator) 5/2 13 column wood
Pocket PCRef
Sequoia 1 1991 0-9622359-3-8 320 Perfect VG Tiny
pocket reference, has Haltek sticker on front cover
IBM card(s) column and row numbered, but no field formatting,
blue top edge
Box A24
TTL Data Book 1976 Perfect Fair
Atari ST : GEM Progreammer's Reference
Abacus 1986 0-916439-52-6 414 Perfect VG
Atari ST : Internals : The Authoritative Insider's Guide
Abacus 1985 0-916439-46-1 446 Perfect VG
ST Disk Drives : Inside And Out : Discover the Capabilities Of Atari ST
Disk Drives
Abacus 1989 0-916439-84-4 391 Perfect VG
Atari ST : Machine Language
Abacus 1985 0-916439-48-8 275 Perfect VG
IBM Microcomputer Assembly Language : Beginning To Advanced
Prentice Hall 1989 0-13-449505-5 493 Hardcover
Windows System Programming : Program Your Windows Application Faster And
Abacus 1991 1-55755-116-2 745 Perfect VG With 5.25.
Software Psychology : Human Factors In Computer And Information Systems
1980 0-87626-816-5 320 Hardcover VG
Compuadd : Microsoft MS-DOS [4.01] User's Guide, User's Reference, Shell
User's Guide
Compuadd 4.01 1988 222 Perfect VG
Inside Postscript
Peachpit 1989 0-938151-10-X Sectional Perfect
123 Reference Manual : Release 2
Lotus 1985 344 Perfect VG
Programming In C
Irwin 1986 0-256-03313-7 370 Perfect New
PC File Formats & Conversions
Abacus 1990 1-55755-059-X 287 Perfect New Unopened
Understanding Postscript
Sybex 1987 0-89588-396-1 589 Perfect New
Active Filter Cookbook
Sams 1975 0-672-21168-9 240 Perfect G
Distributed Micro/Minicomputer Systems : Structure, Implementation,
Prentice Hall 1980 0-13-216481-7 403 Hardcover VG
Hendrix, James (NOT Jimi)
Small Assembler : An 80x86 Macro Assembler Written In Small C
M&T 1988 1-55651-024-9 94 Perfect New Unopened
5.25. disk
Dewitt Scott
Secrets of Successful Writing : Inside Tips From A Writing Expert
Reference 1989 0-9626212-1-8 141 Perfect New
Designer's Guide To Disk Drives
Reston 1985 0-8359-1268-X 127 Hardcover with dust jacket
Type 1 Font Format
Addison Wesley 1990 0-201-57044-0 103 Perfect VG
Postscript Language Reference Manual
Addison Wesley 1985 0-201-10174-2 321 Perfect VG
Postscript Language Tutorial And Cookbook
Addison Wesley 1985 0-201-10179-3 243 Perfect VG
Threaded Interpretive Languages
McGraw-Hill 1981 0-07-038360-X 251 Hardcover VG
Wilson Price, Merlin Miller
Elements Of Data processing Mathematics
Rinehart 2 1967 03-084745-1 532 Hardcover VG
Microcomputer Graphics For The IBM PC
Addison Wesley 1984 0-201-05158-3 268 Perfect VG
Logitech Mouse User's Manual
Logitech 1987 Sectional 3/4. thick Perfect VG
Stephen Roberts
Computing Across America : The Bicycle Odyssey Of A High Tech Nomad
Learned Information 1988 0-938734-18-0 347 Perfect VG
John Walker
The Autodesk File
New Riders 1989 0-934035-63-6 530 Perfect VG
Computer Capers : Tales Of Electronic Thievery, Embezzlement, and Fraud
Mentor 1978 0-451-61753-3 166 Perfect G
The Devouring Fungus : Tales Of The Computer Age
Norton 1990 0-393-30732-8 237 Perfect VG
Added to box A1
Diablo APL10 daisywheel printwheel 38150-01 In case, looks
Ventura Keyboard Shortcuts (2x11. piece of cardboard)
SHORT (4. total) jumper wire for IBM EAM plugboards
SHORT (4. total) jumper wire for IBM EAM plugboards
SHORT (4. total) jumper wire for IBM EAM plugboards
IBM System/360 Reference Card
IBM Flowcharting Template X20-8020
TRS-80 port cover with sticker .Refer To The User's Manual For
Warranties And Limit Of RS Liabilities. (warranty is now void from
removing that cover?)
TRS-80 port cover with downslot for cable
The Inside Track
1983 NO DISK, but has memory map poster
Microsoft Novelty calculator built into a 3.5. disk. Unused but
some segments are flickering. Given to me by Microsoft, says
.Microsoft. on it.
8.5x11 (2 sided) copy of Salter's Memory Map of the PC
8.5x11 (2 sided) copy of Salter's Memory Map of the PC
8.5x11 (2 sided) copy of Salter's Memory Map of the PC
Class handout on formatting output with printf()
Class handout on formatting output with printf()
Portable Disk Drive [for Model 100] Operation Manual
Tandy 1985 Cat. 26-3808 26 Saddle Schematic!
Operating Systems : Concept And Principles
Micro Applications 1979 0-935230-00-9 144 Perfect VG
Windows User's Guide [3.1]
Microsoft 3.10 1992 Part#21669 650 Perfect VG
Getting Started With Microsoft Windows
Microsoft 3.10 1992 Part#21670 104 Saddle VG
ReadRight 2.01 User Manual
OCR Systems 2.01 Sectional Wire-O VG With 4
3.5. disks
Plastic diskette pocket for 5.25. disk
Plastic diskette pocket for 5.25. disks
Plastic diskette pocket for 5.25. disk
Plastic diskette pocket for 5.25. disks
Plastic diskette pocket for 5.25. disk
Plastic diskette pocket for 5.25. disks
Plastic diskette pocket for 5.25. disk
Plastic diskette pocket for 5.25. disks
Plastic diskette pocket for 5.25. disk
TM 100 Disk Drive Operating & Service Manual
Tandon 1979 Part3171024 21 Saddle VG Alignment
instructions, no schematics
Radio Shack
TRS-80 Model 100 Portable Computer Debug/Assembler
RS 1984 Part#26-3823 145 Perfect, in plastic box VG
One audio cassette
Pocket Guide To Programming
Addison Wesley 1982 0-201-07736-1 62 Wire-O VG
Client/Server Computing
McGraw-Hill 1993 0-07-016732-X 339 Hardcover VG
Library Discard
Essential C# 2.0 : Microsoft .Net Development Series
Microsoft 2007 0-321-15077-5 720 Perfect VG
Library Discard
Radio Shack
Tandy 2000 Technical Reference
RS 1984 Cat. 26-5404 298 Comb VG
Added to B5
Hastings Law Journal 34.5/6 5May/July 1983
Bell Systems Technical Journal
ISSN0005-8580 1897-2312 Perfect G >100 pages on Unix
Added to A22
Canvas bag advertising Borland/Osborne .Using Quattro. by Stephen
Non-functional Zip disk (for passing around classroom)
8. floppy (for passing around classroom)
IBM 5.25. reel of 1/2. tape in 7. case
About 7 feet of punched 7 bit paper tape, labeled .Slot Mach.
punched paper tape, labeled ' .QUICK BROWN FOX. TEST TAPE'
Digital DB25F Loop-back plug?
3.25. floppy disk
3.5. floppy disk (1.4M)
IBM LaserPrinter credit-card sized card-edge, Font Card
Prestige,Letter Gothic .NG
5. hard disk platter labelled .Rotating Memory Services.
IBM MAGNETIC card (punch card size) in sleeve
6 Microfiche aperture card (IBM card with hole for microfilm),
3 with, 3 without film.
Unknown make IBM card with clear 1.25. x 3.75. aperture
IBM flyer/card for aperture card viewer and copier
blank standard form IBM cards
round hole punched card
regular punched cards
regular punched card with verify ERROR notch
assorted .port-a-punch. cards (regular card, pre-perforated
every other column (cf. Hang Chad)
advertising card for IBM mag tape (punch card, with piece of
tape woven through slots and specs for capacity (705 III, 650,704,705,709)
IBM advertising sample, port-a-punch
IBM advertising sample, port-a-punch only perforated columns
IBM advertising sample, mark sense treated card
IBM advertising sample, IBM card in 3 part carbon form
IBM clear plastic folder .IBM Cards\nWorking Paper...Not Paper
3.25. x 6.{ edge punch/notch card UCSF Medical Library (Royal
IBM flowcharting template with sleeve
IBM 3803/3420 Mag tape advertising card, comparing 1,600 BPI
with 6,250 BPI
IBM keypunch drum (with blank card)
Kodak .four track. microfiche demo sample
2 5/8. x 3.25. punch card with small round holes
PC Publishing 2.6 7/87
Palm Pilot Professional .Handbook.,.Quick
Start.,.Applications&Solutions., free stylus coupon, etc.
64 Saddle VG
Ventura : Tips and Tricks : The Experts' Guide To Desktop Publishing With
Xerox Ventura Publisher : Covers Version 1.1
Peachpit 1.1 1987 0-938151-01-0 286 Perfect vg
- 30 -