[7201 .vs. Z80-SIO)
The bus
itnerface signals are rather different too.
Yes, the Pinout is very different, but the signals, altough they have
different Names, are very similar.
OK, there are 8 data liens and 2 address lines, and a chip select.
But the actual cotnrol lines are quire different. The 7201 hads Rd/ and
Wr/. The Z80-SIO, like most (all?) Z80 peripheral chips makes do with
Rd/,. It also takes IORQ/ and a clock of the same freqeuncy as the CPU
and if there is no read at the apporpriate time, it assumes it's a write
cycle. Dido the intterupt acknowledge.
In my experience the Z80 peripheral chips are a right pain to use with
anything other htan a Z80. The 7201 can be linked to just about any CPU.