Well, it figures. I was bragging on the list about how great my 9 track
worked with the DQ132, and the power supply blows. I turn it on now, and no
lights, nothing.
Anyone have a clue what might have gone? I was away when it happened. The
PDP11 was off, and I had left the 9 track on, plugged into the power
The unit is an Overland OD3201. There is no external fuse.
NEver having seen this unit, I can't offer specific help, but I would at
least start by opening it up. Look for _intenral_ fuses, check them, but
don't necesarily replace them if they're blown. You do want to see how
violently they belew -- if the glass is shattered or blackened by a film
of metak, then the the thing really took some current!
It would also be useful to know if this is a switching supply (look for
electrolytics rated at 200V or more), or a linear (is there a large
laminated-core transformer?). And what the main components, espeically
ICs, are.