On 2016-06-28 3:32 AM, David Walton wrote:
I collect vintage IBM laptops, have just joined the community, and wonder if anyone can
help with the following:
1. Can write a Teledisk image of concurrent CP/M for Displaywriter to two 8 inch floppy
disks which I can supply?
2. Can solder a cable fie me which will interface an ibm 6360 8 inch floppy to a PC. I am
unable to do this myself.
3. I have an external 5.25 floppy adapter/a inside an ibm ps/2 p70 and wonder if the
external 37 pin connector is pin compatible with the 37 pin connector of the ibm 6360 8
inch floppy drive?
I thought about connecting two out of the 3 cables from this drive to an IBM
displaywriter (supplying the correct voltages etc) and the 37 pin connector to my external
5.25 adapter/a card?
Thanks for your help.
If you want to create diskettes from images to use with your
Displaywriter you would be much further ahead to obtain a 8" diskette
drive with an "industry standard" interface. The 6360 diskette unit has
a drive controller built into into it so the external connection is to
the system bus rather than to a diskette controller like the external
floppy connector you have for your PS/2 system. Even the raw drives do
not have a standard interface and are missing some of the signals that
are found on industry standard drives. The signals for controlling head
motion are different, however that could be gotten around with a little
logic, but the big problem will be the IBM drives do not have a track
zero signal. On the IBM drives, when they are initialized they do about
80 outward steps to ensure the head is at track zero. The first
generation R/W drives the 33FD or Igar made an unforgettable noise when
seeking zero on the drives like the ones in the 6360 it is less noticeable.