My youngest daughter brought home some homework the
other day which talked
about Jobs and Wozniak inventing the PC (although Wozniak was spelled with
an s rather than a z), so this kind of stuff is being taught to them in
Feel free to bring her teacher to me so I can knock some snese into
him/her with an HP9830....
One day I really must record all the incorrect stuff I was 'taught' at
school. From 'A dried orange is callled an apricot' up to 'The Wheatstone
bidge compares resistors, it does not mrasure them' [1]. ARGH!
[1] I am stil llooking for a definition of 'measuremnet' that does not
involve comparison to a standard....
I think it's difficult to put right though, unless you have a kid who's
really into the subject; they don't care enough about the information that
it matters to them whether it's correct or not.
Amd that is very worrying....