::>::Can anyone tell me what DOS (name and version)
works with an Apple
//e and
::>::where I can get a copy?
::>Either ProDOS 1.1 or DOS 3.3. I use DOS 3.3 myself.
::What's the difference (pros and cons)? Where can I find copies? Will they
::read/write each other's discs?
ProDOS understands subdirectories and has a slightly different memory
management system. It is also much more complex. ProDOS will read 3.3 disks,
but not (IIRC) vice versa.
Apple has software on its ftp, and a quick search of the two or three A2
newsgroups will reveal great ftp sites (oriented more toward A2 emulation,
but its software anybody can use).
OK, the rest is from my faulty brain, but
DOS is oriented to 5.25 floppies, and getting data from one media to the
other I remember being a pain. Some early macs will make A2 3.5 floppies
from image files (get an older non commercial version
of shrinkwrap).
Much better answers available in the A2 newsgroups too..