>>>> "Brent" == Brent Hilpert
<hilpert at cs.ubc.ca> writes:
Brent> Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
> that was basically my point: without any real
chance of getting a
> full system, what's the point of having them? You can get them
> running in a test mode and have a tape being de-spooled from one
> reel onto a take-up reel, but that's about it.
Brent> Well, there's another project for someone into such: a
Brent> generalised 'IBM 360/370 Style I/O Channel' adapter/interface
Brent> to something modern/common. Although I will speculate somebody
Brent> with experience with IBM channel stuff will promptly suggest
Brent> it would be a nightmare. (My only experience with them is
Brent> people from the past attesting to how complex/arcane said
Brent> channels were. Always left me a little curious.)
You could use a DX10 or DX11 as the starting point, if schemeatics for
those are available...