-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) [mailto:cisin@xenosoft.com]
Certainly the PC hardware, regardless of OS or other
can NOT do
Can the Linux catweasel drivers actually use the catweasel as its disk
controller for the file system? Or is this an issue that the
software (that does NOT work at a filesystem level) can also RUN under
Right, but remember that linux won't run only on peesees. :) Linux on a power-mac (or
amiga!) will likely produce bit-for-bit copies of amiga disks just fine.
Also, I think it's the standard linux floppy disk driver, which is pretty flexible,
and not a special "catweasel" driver, so it would be handled just the same as a
standard floppy setup. So I guess you could write ext2 filesystems to 880k floppies if
you want ;)
Or ... one could write an amiga filesystem for linux. I actually wonder why this
hasn't been done.
Has anybody, anywhere, EVER gotten a catweasel to work
as a
controller to
do file system level operations?
After this discussion, I'm tempted to get one and try. Too bad I can't afford it
just now.
Christopher Smith, Perl Developer
Amdocs - Champaign, IL
/usr/bin/perl -e '
print((~"\x95\xc4\xe3"^"Just Another Perl