On Fri, 13 Jun 1997, Sam Ismail wrote:
Build a device that taps into the data bus. Make it
so that you can set
a memory address using knobs and then the 16-bit value you want to store
in that address. Then put a "fire" button on it that sets that memory
address to the value. Then, find out where your uid is stored in the
kernal, use your device to set the value at that address to 0, press fire
and voila! You are root!
crack is easier than finding where the kernel is going to store a UID in
memory. It's not exactly a constant. (But you knew that -- using the
term "uid" gives you away as knowing about processors that handle more
than eight bits at a time 8-)} heretic).
Ward Griffiths
"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within
the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." --Claire Wolfe