< Vintage computer: I just became the custodian of a NorthStar Horizon
< sporting four (count 'em) massive 64KB ram boards. Giving breath to
< those memory boards is a four port serial board, a floppy controller
< driving a 5 1/4" full height floppy drive, and a ST-506 interface hard
< drive controller driving a hdd which I don't as yet have identified.
< Of course it is powered by a Z-80A workhorse. This baby also sports a
< lovely brushed aluminum front panel and I believe is one of the later
They are good workhorse s100 machines.
< production model Horizons as it has a red led on the front panel (the
< Horizons I've seen in the old Byte Magazines from the late 1970's
< don't have an led pictured).
They all did, only the proto didn't.
< Does anybody have any details on the history of NorthStar? I would
< appreciate any ideas on where I might reseach their history.
I built mine in early 1978 and it's celebrating it's 20th year! What do
you need to know. Northstar* is long gone. The hardware refuses to die.