Hi everyone,
You may have noticed in the pdp11 usenet groups that over some time I
have collected a nice bunch of PPD-11 OSes in various versions (this
takes less space, I have to deal with some kind of space restrictions
at the moment). From time to time I tend to put online what I have
found (please see
5ewl.blogspot.com if you want).
There are some well known archives out there in the internet, but some
OSes mentioned in the PDP-11 faq and other sources are kinda hiding
from me.
Let's start here: As I was reading the Ersatz-11 documentation file I
stumbled upon "Fox 2/30 OS".
Does anyone now something about this OS? Did any copies of this system
or documentation and software survive? The only reference I have
found so far since I read the Ersatz-11 docs is here:
(can't look at this file at the moment as I am on a slooooow internet
connection). All I found out is there's a strong focus on process
control in this system as well at it should be some kind of OEM.
Another OS I am currently looking for is CAPS-11. It is mentioned at
some points, but I could find almost no documentation, definately no
sources or tape images.
Much of the other OSes I've got in my little list are missing the
early versions. It would be a pleasure to see these showing up
somewhere and making them available for the interested Enthusiasts. I
saw discussions about licensing and property issues about some other
OSes too (like DSM). They seem to be stucked at some point, hopefully
these OSes don't get lost sometime.
Here's a little sum-up about Systems I didn't came across so far:
CAPS-11, CTS-300 and -500, DSM-11, DURESS, GAMMA-11, HT-11, MERTS,
Micropower Pascal, MONECS, MTS, PC-11, RUST/XM, SPHERE, TRAX
HT-11 is RT11 SJ V2 with mods for drivers to match the Heath H11
Computer (mainly the floppy). So if you have RT11 you have ht11.
A few of those I've never heard of.
If you have any information about the Operating
Systems mentioned in
this message or can help out with disk images, disks, sources etc. I'd
greatly appreciate if you'd drop a line.
Have a good start into the weekend,
Wolfgang Eichberger - OE5EWL
Operating System Collector