Chuck Guzis wrote:
A friend forwarded this message to me and I agreed to
post it.
Please note that she's an archivist and not a collector:
I suspect that whoever consults with the writing team pulled out TRS-80
as a term that people watching the story would recognize as an early
PC. The writers are telling a story in 43 minutes of air time and try
as they can to get this point across.
Also it is possible that the producers or directors changed it if the
computer has to be used on camera, regardless of accuracy.
Someone elsewhere in this thread mentions that they have gone full scifi
with accuracy. This is again because they are storytelling, not filming
a doumentary.
Sadly the writer and a lot of people who watch CSI think they are
presenting the "real" story of forensic science capabilities which they
are not.
There clearly is no good explanation for the tv writer as far as any
real explanation. I strongly suspect the producers and people on set,
or clueless friends of the writers for the original mention.
I would think that they should have said Nintendo or Gameboy or such,
but noone mentioned it during filming if they wanted something that
could have been possible.