Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2008 17:21:56 -0500
From: spc at
To: cctalk at
Subject: Re: Z80 Divide by 10
It was thus said that the Great dwight elvey once stated:
230 clock cycles and no conditionals
I came across this bit of code from to
divide by 10:
unsigned int div10(unsigned int n)
unsigned int q;
unsigned int r;
q = (n>> 1) + (n>> 2);
q = q + (q>> 4);
q = q + (q>> 8);
q = q + (q>> 16);
q = q>> 3;
r = n - ((q << 3) + (q << 1));
return (q + ((r + 6)>> 4);
On the Z80, the (q>> 8) is trivial to handle, and you can probably skip
the (q>> 16) statement all-to-gether (since you're only handling 16 bits
anyway, this reduces to 0 so the statement there can be skipped). My Z80
skills are pretty weak (and I don't have any references at hand right now)
but this looks pretty straight forward to translate.
I coded this up in Forth and it does good at the divide.
The values q and r are not much good, meaning one still
has to calculate the remainder, similar to the last part of my
The operation>> is really tough on a Z80 for 16 bit operations.
One needs to do thing through the a register and use rra instructions
or use the rr r instruction with a clearing of the carry before each
single bit shift. Not having a parameterized shift like the 386 has
makes it difficult.
I doubt one could beat the 230 cycles I had since each shift cost
12 cycles. This is 34 to 38 shifts depending on optimization or 408
cycles minimum without the 7 16 bit adds. This is already more
than the 230 cycles.
It might perform quite well on a machine with a native parameterize
right shift.