I require some help with a program which may be of interest
to other hobby users. The program is:
and runs under:
(a) RT-11 both UnMapped and Mapped Monitors
(b) TSX-Plus
(c) RUST both RUST/SJ and RUST/XM
(d) RSTS/E
(e) RTEM-11
The current Emulators which are detected and displayed
are SimH, Ersatz-11 and V11. If anyone knows of any
other PDP-11 emulators which can also be included, that
would be of great interest, especially if access to that
emulator for testing is possible. I have asked for help
in the past about this and the only other PDP-11 emulator
which runs RT-11 compatible programs is Charon which
unfortunately no longer seems to be available or even running.
If anyone can help expand the list, it would be appreciated!!!
Unfortunately, for (d) and (e), I do not have any information
on how to access the IOPAGE registers since SHOWEM
requires access to SR0 (177572) and SR1 (177574) in
addition to the PSW (177776).
I do not believe that RTEM-11 will ever allow a User program
to gain access to the IOPAGE registers, however, RSTS/E
may allow such access. Does anyone who is reading this
post know if access to the IOPAGE registers is possible
under RSTS/E for a program running in RT-11 compatibility'
mode? And do you also know how it is done?
If there is no solution, then I will make to current SHOWEM
available to any hobby users who are interested. Otherwise,
I would prefer to delay until the RSTS/E solution is implemented.
Jerome Fine