On May 25, 2017, at 12:14 PM, ben <bfranchuk at
jetnet.ab.ca> wrote:
On 5/25/2017 9:39 AM, Paul Koning wrote:
You can do the same with other VHDL processors. If you don't want to deal with a
particular manufacturer and potentially pay major money for the tool set, there's
GHDL, a open source GCC-based VHDL modeler. It has some handy capabilities, such as a way
to hook C functions into the model.
I use the other BRANDS. I never liked VHDL because I can never figure how the logic port
mapping works and the on edge logic.
Also what is wrong with custom designs IN ADL,PAL and WINCUPL. Your FPGA
logic is so custom you have no good portable logic for ram or rom on chip any how.
That remains to be seen. I'm doing a very large model on GHDL right now. Eventually
it will move to an FPGA. At that point, a few small details, like the inner bits of the
memory model, will be device dependent. Right now in that spot I use an interface taken,
more or less, from a Xilinx app note. But that's only a few hundred lines out of
about 200k lines.
As for custom languages, I've used ABEL (from Lattice). It was ok for a bit of logic
amounting to a few dozen gates, but I'm glad I'll never have to go back to it.
There is of course Verilog as another option. I use VHDL because that's what I
learned first and because I found GHDL. There's a nice opportunity for language wars
here which I'll decline.