No, even that is unlikely.
Scanner lamps do emit UV lights, but with so little energy (and,
generally, in the wrong wavelengths) that you can safely look into them,
with your bare eyes.
I have measured it once, you would need MONTHS of constant exposure to
cause an measurable effect.
On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 20:38, pdp11(a) wrote:
everyone's thoughts on placing circuit boards directly
on the bed of a scanner for imaging? Any possibility of damage to
the board from the light or other parts of the scanner? I've done it
before with good results but not with anything truly unique.
I've done it many times with great results. The only component I can think of that
may be an issue are old UV erasable EPROMS. I would imagine that the scanner lamp may put
out enough UV light to cause a problem.
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