"Chuck Guzis" wrote:
Right now, the ARM controllers look pretty good. Can anyone recommend a
favorite development board that can be used for prototyping? I don't need
much program memory--128K is more than adequate, but at least 128K of RAM
is very important.
128k is tough. The Atmel SAM7S is really nice - low pin count & ARM7TDMI - but
64k is the max internal sram.
Once you go to a chip with a bus you need to provide flash & external
ram which removes all the nice features (low pin count, low chip count)
You can put an external ram ont eh SAM7S but you have to work the bus
interface "by hand". That eliminates DMA.
I'd take a look at the philips LP series also, but I think it's the
I understand microchip is coming out with some ARM parts, but I don't
know anything about them yet (i'm meeting with a rep next week).