John Lawson wrote:
On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Jim Davis wrote:
Jan_Wood(a) wrote:
This is a big operation, Any transactions with
this company should be on
a BUSINESS basis.
That then begs the question, Is it ethical ( for a CC'er ) to sell or
give classic equipment to
a large corporation for the profit of this operation? Most likely the
equipment will
be locked up in some machine room available at $1000/hr? It's also an
I think y'all need to get out more, Jim.... you've fantasized a "big
bad corporation" scenario and then proceeded to 'warn' us and bring up
questions of 'ethics' ....
Nowhere did I use the word "warn", I feel these are ligit questions,
This company produces high
priced datasets for the oil exploration industry. Did I gore your bull?
As for the "big bad corporation"
I've been on the receiving end of corporate mentality for too long,
what with downsizing, outsourcing,
backstabbing, bogus stock offers, illegal dealings and promises of
riches if i'd only put in 80 Hr weeks.
Corporations exist to make money,not to "preserve" equipment, jobs or
anything else.
But I read this as just a guy trying to support a bunch of legacy gear
in order to carry forward the huge masses of data that all big comapnies
generate - and he's found us and our concentrated resources *for just that
Hell, man, if I had a couple of Kennedys in my storage space I wasn't
doing anything with (hmmm... I do actually...) and he needed one, was
willing to pay a reasonable price and pack/ship - there'd be no problem.
I'd be happy to have helped out!
If the guy wanted all the remaining PDP-10s on the planet for some
unspecified nefarious reason - that'd be different. - But he's facing what
most of us have to deal with on a smaller scale - part of his job is
keeping machinery and systems alive so that old data can be archived and
(perhaps) used by current EPD environments.
I don't get what the size of the company has to do with anything? What
if he worked for NASA? General Motors? Boeing? Phoenix Aerospace?
All the same to me. YMMV
It's rather disingenous to include NASA with some of the largest
corporations in the US, I was just
saying that you should get the most $$$ from an operation like veritus.
It's dumb to not do otherwise.
One more
question? Has Veritas done anything to help the CC cause?
I dunno - ask 'em. Perhaps in their efforts to they have uncovered and
are using some really rare parts of Legacy Computing - thus preserving it
instead of scrapping it.
Why don't you write this person and ask him these rather overheated
questions? But I'd prefer it very much if you make it clear you speak for
yourself and NOT FOR ME... because you don't!
Did I say that I represented you or CC? I simply asked some questions
about this operation?
Just replace "ethics" with "a bad idea", It was early when I posted
the original message.
How are my questions any different than the broiling the chip collector