Pat Finnegan wrote:
I would say about a 386DX, and it'll do about
6MIPS max (one instruction
per four clock cycles on the 68030 IIRC from my Mac IIsi). (If desired)
you can put an older verions of MkLinux or linux-m68k on it (I used the
m68k Debian port).
How about BSD? I'll probably use the Mac OS, but I wonder about other
I got mine for free from a dumpster, but if it works,
about $10-$20 would
be a reasonable price, depending on how much you want to spend, and the
size of its hdd, memory, any extra cards in it, etc. I still have some 1M
30pin MAC-blessed SIMMs laying around here, email me off-list if you want
Can I use my 9 pin parity simms from my old 386? The parity bits are
just ignored right? If so, then I can drop 32megs into it.
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA