That's the name of the guy! Stan Olson . . . the
fellows at that one pitch
to which I was referring in my original post on this subject were touting
Stan Olson as being so cagey that he kept the gov out of the company's books
by selling his wares to the gov through integration contractors so that the
folks at the gov could specify DEC without naming them, and the various
competing contractors would always decode the RFP to mean DEC and so DEC
would win every time. I thought it was clever, if true, but the genius's
name was Stan Olson.
No. Stan Olson's Ken Olson's brother and one of the folks who
kept pushing the company into things like the VT78 and WPS word
processors. He left the company a while back.
I think you've got a serious anti DEC bias here.
Someone's very misinformed here or (more likely) the sales guy's full of it.
Q: How do you tell a computer salesman is lying?
A: His lips move.
Q: What's the difference between a computer salesman and a used car salesman?
A: The used car salesman KNOWS when he's lying.