On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Joe wrote:
"Nintendo floppy systems"
A floppy system on a Nintendo? I've never heard of one. What were they
used for? The only Nintendo devices that I've seen are the game machines
and they use plug-in ROM cartridges.
A while after the Japanese release of the Famicom (here to be known as
NES), Nintendo decided that ROM cartridges were too costly and couldn't be
afforded by the kids. Thus, they released a floppy drive which was plugged
into the cartridge port of the Famicom and accepted this kind of oblong
disks, though they weren't exactly the same format as the common
three-inch disk. Many classic games, such as Zelda, were first released on
the Nintendo disk system, only to be converted to cartirdge later, as
these dropped in price.
These disks could be taken to the shop and be loaded with a new game at a
small fee when you desired a new game. Nintendo do actually still copy
games for disk system owners at a very affordable 400 yen.