--- Allison <ajp166 at bellatlantic.net> wrote:
I don't
know about specific Rainbow revisions, but
was under the impression the 'bow could go up
Maybe I'm thinking of the Tandy 2000 via an
party upgrade.
The Rainbow was one of the few that could beat the
640k limits.
Actually it was atypical for the wild and free pseudo
compatibles types to not break it.
Curious if the Rainbow was any better/worse at
running 8 bit CP/M then other hybrid machines, like
the Zenith Z-100 series, Epson QX-10 w/Titan 8088 (in
essence a QX-16),...(yikes I've heard worse, but
everyone's entitled to their opinion). I guess I could
just try it! Some home renovations has *exposed* my
rather tiny and cute Rainbow monitor the other day LOL
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