Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner wrote:
It was thus said that the Great Roger Merchberger once stated:
For-Next is interpreted when executed. It is at
that point that the
relevant machine language instructions are generated and executed. Machine
language is low-level, C is slightly higher, BASIC is definitely
And Perl is some of most of these - at times faster than C, yet sometimes
simpler than Basic, almost as powerful as APL, and runs on more machines
than Java! (of course, APL runs on more machines than Java...)
Now, how can Perl be faster than C when it's written in C?
-spc (Or is it now written in Perl? 8-)
Are we allowed to count coding (Hell, typing) time in speed tests?
If that's allowed _anything_ in Perl is faster than C if it can be
written in Perl. (I'll recompute if somebody writes a kernel in
Perl, that being one of the things I _think_ can't be written --
but I'd love it if it was.)
Ward Griffiths <> <>
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