On Sat, 26 Nov 2011 17:09:18 +0100
"nierveze" <nierveze at radio-astronomie.com> wrote:
is the a tool to make proms from *.bin output from
that is to say a program that divides the 16 bits into two slices of 8
bits to make proms?
It would be helpfull to know the OS on which you have to do
On somthing unixish I would write a piece of C, about:
open( input);
fstat( input, &stat);
input_buf = mmap( input);
close( input);
open( out_put_even);
lseek( output_even, stat.size / 2 - 1);
write( output_even, "", 1);
output_even_buf = mmap( output_even);
close( output_even);
open( out_put_odd);
lseek( output_odd, stat.size / 2 - 1);
write( output_,odd "", 1);
output_odd_buf = mmap( output_odd);
close( output_odd);
for (size_t i = 0; i < stat.size; i += 2) {
output_even_buf[i / 2] = input_buf[i];
output_odd_buf[i / 2] = input_buf[i + 1];
munmap( output_even);
munmap( output_odd);