Oh, please. OS/2 NEVER took off, despite a Big
Blue push, and
despite being better in essentially all respects than Windows. Sure,
some business customers bought it.
Quite a lot bought it - it was just not front and center on the stage.
I think every AS/400 installation was also an OS/2 installation. Same
with the mainframe crowd. Percentage of market share does not mean
something did not take off. If it were, the Mac and Linux would both
be flops.
These are installations that we normally do not see, but that does not
mean they do not exist. For example - how many people here have
actually been in close contact (use regularly, even if just a little
at a time) with AS/400s? Four? Five? IBM has, however, made a helluva
lot of the machines (more than PDP-11s, actually). Are they flops
because most of us see Windows or Unix machines at work? Are they
flops because OS/400 has less than a percent of market share?