Pat Fitzpatrick Wrote:
IMSAI 8080 with NorthStar Disk, KSR33 Teletype and Lear-Siegler
ADM3A Terminal
The IMSAI box and the terminal are ok, but the disk
drive (an
SA400, I believe) and (worse) the box of floppies didn't make it.
The drive might be salvageable, but I'm afraid the diskettes are
toast. Does anyone out there have any 5-1/4 inch 10 sector (hard
sectored) floppies? And a copy of the NorthStar DOS and BASIC
that they'd like to sell/trade/etc?
Check out Dave Dunfield's site:
If you have a monitor in ROM or can toggle a short one into
memory, then you can reproduce disks from his web site. It
works pretty well, I've just done it myself to get N* DOS and
Lifeboat CP/M for my N*.
As for a drive, I think any good 360K floppy drive will work. The
one's (with N* badges) in my N* are Tandons just like in the IBM PC.